SR - A Question Concern
nleemcp at
Wed Jun 24 20:32:35 PDT 1998
Casey&Coni wrote:
> Jan wrote:
> >Johann! This sounds like you are questioning the Honor of the Belted
> >Circle. Boundaries have nothing to do with that Honor. How about
> >giving a little more thought to your queries.
> >HLady Janais L'orfevre Ffynnon Gath
> He's not questioning our honor, dear lady... he simply knows that there are
> at least two knights from outside our region listening in right now... Sir
> Jason and Sir Galen. There may be more but these I know for certain.
> So Sir Jason, Graf Galen... lend these people your full mind... Should the
> Southern region become a principality will you, who do not live in it's
> boundries, still give the same consideration to candidates here?
All candidates will recieve equal consideration no matter where they live. A candidate
is a candidate no matter where they live in Ansteorra. We are looking at their knightly
qualities not thier address.
> Will you
> still view the knights who live here with the honor and respect you do now?
All knights treat each other with honor and respect. We are a "brotherhood" that
crosses all SCA boundries. This will never change.
You were right it was a canned question.
Thank you for your time
Sir Jason
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