SR - Fish & Ponds
Dennis and Dory Grace
amazing at
Thu Jun 25 09:40:07 PDT 1998
Lionardo sez:
>I'm trying to find a way to not look "bad" for my interest in a
>Principality and my belief that it could be a "good thing" for this
>region and Ansteorra. It's a bit hard, though, when the burden of proof
>is placed on those who want the change and, at the same time, the burden
>of stigmata and of "shifty motivation" is placed on those people as
>well. Best I can do is say, if anyone questions my motivations ASK ME!
>Of course you could always not believe me and think I have some kind of
>agenda, anyway. Of course I could always reply that I'm a little fish no
>matter what size the pond is, so the argument really doesn't hold much
>water for me. So how do I fit in to any of the above?
What you do, see, is you multiply the square root of the number of the
scales on any given fish by the cube of the hypoteneuse of the lower edge
of it's caudal fin, divide by the width of its peduncle, vector in the
distance from the tip of its dorsal fin to the tip of its pectoral fin,
wipe off its anal fin, divide by the proportional volume of the pond in
question, give or take a cubic foot or two for pond slime, evaporation, and
rampant frogs, and compare to your shoes size as measured in Birkenstocks.
That should about answer your question.
hahaaaa! we got a new flavored coffee last night!!
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