SR - Fish & Ponds
cab at
Thu Jun 25 10:26:11 PDT 1998
RE>SR - Fish & Ponds 6/25/98
If you are referring to what I think you are referring to in my letter, then I
meant something completely different by "little fish".
At that time, I was talking about if we changed the P into an independent
Kingdom. Then the current people in this kingdom would be in a smaller pond.
For example, instead of being one of 100 knights, they would be one of 20
I was not trying to say that it had come from the people. Or that it shouldn't
come from the people.
Date: 6/25/98 10:04 AM
From: southern at Ansteorra.ORG
I've been thinking about an argument that has been brought up recently
that I think may need some clearing up, for me at least. Let me posit
two arguments I have heard recently and how I find them to be a Catch
"This is being shoved down our throats from above and this has to come
from the people!"
"This is just being pushed forward by a bunch of people who are little
fish in a big pond that think by cutting down the size of the pond they
can be big fish in a littler pond."
The first argument says a principality push cannot have any "big fish in
the big pond" as very vocal supporters, because it will look bad. Ok, so
how is that rectified? Let's have the little fish support it, instead!
Hmm... then we run into argument two. All those little fish must,
perforce, want to be bigger fish, so again we should avoid the whole
thing because if you are either a big fish or a little fish, you must
want to do this for all the "wrong" reasons. So how can anyone support
this without always looking like they have "wrong reasons"?
Not getting my brain around this...
Honos Servio,
Lionardo Acquistapace, Bjornsborg
Lenny Zimmermann, San Antonio
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