SR - Principality Proposals at Tempio

clward at clward at
Tue Mar 31 15:08:10 PST 1998

Mari has said that she would attend -- I suspect that this is contingent on
whether or not she gets her car back -- it is in the shop.

What is it this week?  Is Mercury in retrograde?  Everybody I know is having
serious car trouble -- my car threw a rod!

Anyway, hopefully we will see Mari there.

 - - - - -      Original Message Date  03/31/98 04:24:00 PM    - - - - -

Originating Internet address appears below:
From: martinpj at

Hi folks,
Jehanne d'Avignon here,
Between now and Friday, please try to get as many folks as you can who are not
on the internet to go to Tempio for this meeting.  Invite them to ride with you,
or camp with you.  Help them hook up with someone else who is day tripping.

As someone wise said....   keep the momentum going!

If we are the only ones who show up, we'll just be re-hashing all the stuff
we've been talking about for the past few months.  We need to provide others who
are not on the internet time to absorb all of the info. we've been discussing -
and that means that they have to be in attendance.

By the way,  will Mari and Raymond be there?

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