SR - Kingdom Eisteddfodd

N.D. Wederstrandt nweders at
Mon Oct 5 08:30:09 PDT 1998

Please be aware of the following information:

This year's Kingdom Eisteddfodd is being held at Laurels' Prize Tourney in
the College of Three Bridges (Arlington, Texas).  The format will be as it
was last year:  tournament style, double-elimination.  No documentation
will be required, but it is appreciated if provided.  Please be aware that
the Kingdom Bard competes in the Gulf Wars A&S competition,  and that DOES
require documentation, and thus if you are not able to fulfill this
responsibility, it would be best to consider well before you compete.
Judges will be former Bards of Ansteorra. If you have any further questions
regarding the competition, please contact:
Sir Galen of Bristol, Kingdom Bard Deputy, Bardic Activities
Paul Mitchell
103 E.  Mitchell St., #121
 Arlington, Texas  76010
Hm.  817-795-7679
Wk.  817-861-7805
E-Mail:  pmitchel at

Information regarding Laurel's Prize Tourney may be found in the October
Black Star and on the Ansteorran Web Pages.

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