SR - Ballot text?

Lorraine and/or Kief deer_kief at
Tue May 25 09:12:16 PDT 1999

Heilsa Daniel my Good and True Brother in Service...!

You replied thusly:

>Kief wrote:
> > listed randomly and without any markings as to "which is most likely
> > to pass"...!! Alphabetical order and any sort of "preference
> > marking" bias the vote of those less informed.
>"Bias[ing] the vote of those less informed" by giving them
>information?  Oh, the horror!

Okay...clarification follows:

As with any vote, there will be folk in the region that, for whatever 
reason, will not know hardly a thing about the "naming of the Region" until 
they get the ballot in the mail/at the meeting, etc. If the list is in 
alphabetical order or the choices are marked with stars the tendency is to 
just pick one of the first choices or one with most stars. This will bias 
the choice in favor of those particular offerings.

>I have four reasons, below, for wanting the name to be registered.
>In case people saw my previous message, thought "point-by-point
>rebuttal rant ... boooor-ing" (hey, *I* tend to), and skipped it,
>my reasons for wanting ordering by period style / likelihood to pass:

>- if we do want to register it, preferring names closer to period
>   style can save us trouble.

I agree completely with this reasoning. Historically accurate naming 
practice is a "good thing".

>- IF it's just as easy to be period as non-period, THEN we really
>   ought to prefer the period way.

Agreed... "Land of the Burning Purple Sage Bush" just doesn't quite fit my 
idea of a "period" name........ Now for the Old Testament.....

>I certainly want periodicity (!) info on the ballot!  Removing that
>would be suppressing data, practically a mortal sin in my eyes.
>I mean, what criteria are people supposed to use to choose?
>What should they have available?  *I* want to know all these:
>  * Spelling
>  * Language
>  * Pronunciation
>  * Meaning
>  * Closeness to period style
>Is there anything else that people want to know?

Again I agree. The above mentioned information should follow all ballot 
choices. This gives the less informed a good shot at picking a name that 
they feel represents the Region.

Once more I suggest that when the ballot is printed it contain all the 
choices people have submitted, with each one of them followed by the above 
mentioned information. I would like to see the order of the choices done in 
a non-alphabetical random fashion and no obvious ranking by stars or 
whatever. Give the people the information and let them choose the name they 
feel appropriate without biasing the selection.

>Pug Bainter <pug at> wrote:
> > If this is just a name of the Southern Region, there is no need for
> > it to pass the College of Heralds.
>I can see four reasons.
>1.  To make sure nobody else grabs it.
>2.  To make sure nobody else has it already, or anything close to it.
>3.  To get a sanity check that it *is* a period-style name.

Agreement once more...! The College of Arms receives many submissions of 
same name in substantially the same time frame.

> > If on the other hand, there is desire to continue on to possible
> > Principality,
>4.  The selected name becomes the most likely P-word name, so it
>     should be reserved against possible need.
>I was considering suggesting that the top 3 candidates get registered,
>in case we change our minds later.  That's a little safer but also a
>little greedier.

Greed has nothing to do with it. It gives the folk in the Region a good 
choice to lobby for if the Principality vote ever happens. The registered 
names can always be released or used for other purposes... Like naming some 
of the many new groups the Region/Principality will birth.....

>Daniel de Lincolia

Waes Thu Hael Brother
"Better the Hammer than the nail..."

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