ANST-Announce - Charter Request

Aslyn aslyn2 at
Tue Jan 11 09:36:45 PST 2000

Greetings all!

As the incoming Sable Scroll to their Highnesses Alaric and Kayleigh, I and my staff eagerly anticipate a productive Reign.  Indeed, we will require a large number of scrolls (in every category) very, very early on in the Reign.  To that end (and to provide some much deserved rest for the current Sable Scroll and his staff), please allow me to make a call for all Charter painters in the Kingdom to send along all that they have completed to their local Guild head, Regional Scribe, or Star Signet at their very earliest convenience.  Alternatively, I will be attending Coronation this weekend, and you may deliver same to either myself, or my able-bodied assistant (and Fed Ex Scribe) Lord Duncan Hepburn at that event.  

I would also sincerely appreciate it if this message were passed along to any local Guild heads, Regional Scribes, Scribal lists, et al.  

Also, please add my sincere thanks for the work that the scribes of this Kingdom perform.  Ansteorran scribes not only produce some of the highest quality work in the Known World, but also consistently support and underscore the very elements that make the Society come alive for so many.  Vivat, scribes!

I look forward to your assistance.  

Most cordially,

Mistress Aslyn Crystyn, OL
Steppes, Ansteorra
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