[Spit-Project] How about some discussion?

Johnna Holloway johnnae at mac.com
Thu Jul 16 18:59:18 PDT 2009

Take a look at  http://www.spitjack.com/  as they carry spits that can roast
a pig or lamb. They also provide some very good details as to set-ups 
that could be
fashioned at home if you have the tools, forge, money, etc. The War is 
just a week away
so time may be a factor too.

Do you want a period set-up or a modern one? That's another factor too.

How big a pig is also the question as larger animals need sturdier 

Roasting a chicken (single) requires something less than what one needs 
to roast
a 25 pound turkey. A 125 pound dressed hog requires a more substantial 
set-up than a lamb.

One thing you can do is check the archives for this list and read 
through past conversations
about pigs and suchlike.
List archives can even be searched.

Plans and photos of equipment that has been created or purchased can be 
seen at the Yahoo site

You can search the photos section there or check the files and messages.

Hope this helps


Fergus Redmead wrote:
> looking to make a spit to roast a pig or leg of lamb over an open fire at pennsic.
> i am not sure on materials.

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