[Stargate] The other "N" word (was The Elephant in the Room)

Michael Silverhands silverhands at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 12 12:22:51 PST 2007

On Jan 12, 2007, at 2:11 PM, Mike Wyvill wrote:

> Maven. Maven is good.

n. A person who has special knowledge or experience; an expert;  
someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field

Hmmm... "maven" *is* a kinder-sounding word, but it doesn't really  
capture the negative connotations associated with an "authenticity  
bully" (another possibility), someone who goes around rudely  
inflicting their world-view on others. "Authenticity snob" would also  
work; in fact, I think I like it best of all.


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