[Stargate] Bids Wanted for Baronial Event in April

Stargate Seneschal stargate.seneschal at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 08:23:13 PDT 2009

Their Excellencies and I are accepting bids for the Baronial event in
April.  Anyone interested should please contact Their Excellencies and me,
and we will assist you with details and questions you might have.  Thus far,
I believe the intent is to have this be a joint event with Loch Soilleir,
but there has been some discussion of including Bordermarch in the joint
venture as well.

If the idea of a multi-group event seems daunting, remember that such an
event gives you a bigger pool to draw resources from, and the breakdown of
tasks can be done in larger chunks to the participating groups.  Just
remember to keep track of the budget and expenses, and it's not much
different from any other event.

In service,

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