[Stargate] Man Seeking Leathercrafting Guild Or Others Interested In Same

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 14 16:16:15 PDT 2010

You may also want to suggest Tandy Leather goods, they have a location in 
Tandy Leather #133 - HOUSTON-133, Manager: Roger Campbell, 
houston at tandyleather.com
921 FM 1960 W, Suite 104-B, Houston , TX  77090, USA
Phone: 281-537-2952, Fax: 281-537-5193, Toll Free: 866-537-2952
Tandy may also have some classes.  

While we certainly don't want to diswade the gentleman from joining us either, 
the leather store maybe able to offer some additional suggestions for classes 
and other guilds.  

Cheers, Hillary

From: "Ciarnat" <Ciarnat at consolidated.net>
To: "SCA Star Gate" <stargate at ansteorra.org>,    "SCA Houston"
    <hou-announce at lists.ansteorra.org>,    "SCA Gates Edge"
    <gatesedge at lists.ansteorra.org>
Subject: [Stargate] Man Seeking Leathercrafting Guild Or Others
    Interested    In Same

SCA Brothers & Sisters,

    I received this e-mail recently.  Are there any others interested in
crafting items of leather?

    If so, please contact this man whose information I will add to his
    He wrote:  I?m writing to inquire whether there is a local leather
crafting guild.
I am interested in taking up leather crafting and thus far have been unable
to find anything and was wondering if the local SCA may have something.

Thank you,

Pete [Pete at abuttonnose.com]
In Service to Kingdom & Barony,

HL Ciarnat of Firethorn
Hospitaler, Stargate

  All meaningful change begins with the right aspirations--Ken Yamashita

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