[Stargate] Procession for Opening Ceremonies at Gulf War

Cynthia Whitford simonevalery at comcast.net
Tue Mar 6 17:37:40 PST 2012

Greetings Good People of Stargate!


Would any of you going to Gulf Wars like to walk with us in the Procession
leading up to Opening Ceremonies on Tuesday morning?


Their Majesties have removed the restriction on group sizes this year and
they invite all comers to join them in showing off the might of our fair


Robert and I will leave camp about 9am to gather at the staging area at the
top of the hill between the equestrian and rapier fields.  Step off will be
at approximately 930am and we will march down the road  past the youth
fighting fields toward the merchant area, past the cabins, and around the
corner to the field in front of the castle. Opening Ceremonies are scheduled
for 10am or thereabouts.


If these times fit in your schedule and you feel like a bit of exercise -
please come join us, we would love to have you walk with us!  If you are not
up to the walk, please come join us in front of the castle to cheer on our
Crown and Allies as we get the War started!


There is no official "dress code" but if you have something black/white (or
black/gold) to wear that would be awesome!  We will have a few tabards
available plus some banners to carry if anybody is interested.


Looking forward to seeing you all at the War!



Robert and Simone


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