ST - Newsletter - Gulf War

Jann Mays jannmays at
Wed Mar 22 09:50:21 PST 2000


We'd like to contribute a bit to the experiences at the Gulf War.  We're 
sure our fighters can tell you more about the battles and numbers, but we'd 
like to comment on the large-scale, nifty siege weapons we saw.  We even saw 
a giant crossbow that was so big that it barely fit in the bed of a pickup 
truck!!!  I was told that Ld. Pierce got real close to one of the siege 
weapons on the field (between battles I'm sure) to scrutinize its 
construction.  He was very impressed.

Now, from a woman's point of view, there were over a hundred merchants 
there!!  With better wares than I have ever seen before at any event or 
Renfaire!  I am definitely saving up my shopping money for next year!  And 
next year's the 10th anniversary? I bet there will be more!!!  And trim!!!  
My goodness -- several merchants had the most beautiful trims (some from 
Europe) at fantastic prices!!  I paid as low as 80 cents a yard for some 
extremely beautiful trims!!!

As for revels, there was a great one on Thursday night in front of the 
fortress with brasiers blazing!!  There were two gargoyles spewing, believe 
it or not, ... kamakazies!!!!!  After setting up camp, we decided at 2am to 
see if the revel was still going on!!  At 2am there was still over a hundred 
people there!!!  I heard it was a Porto party!!  Vivat the portos for a 
great revel!  Another great revel was the dance revel on Saturday night!  
Though it was raining, everyone stayed dry in the main site cabin where the 
dancing was held. It was so popular, that "the Royals" decided to extend the 
length of the revel!  It went past midnight.  One of the highlights was when 
this suspiciously familiar dance instructor was teaching some 30 or so 
people a new dance.  He gave instruction, step left, step right, etc., and 
then one of the barons said, "Ok, raise your hand if you think he's making 
this up as he goes!"  It brought down the house, everyone in the place was 
laughing.  Ultimately, after the instruction, when they actually did the 
dance to the live music, it was quite lovely and everyone applauded the 
instructor.  One other comment about the revel -- the musicians added a new 
aspect to the "Hole in the Wall" dance.  The first verse was sung, then the 
lovely familiar tune was played followed with a verse that was ... meowed!!! 
  Yes, think of the Meow Mix commercial sung to the Hole in the Wall tune!!! 
  There was a "woofed" verse later, and near the end, a "quacked" verse.  
Everyone was cracking up through the whole dance!!  Or was that "quacking 
up?"  Oh, sorry.  Anyway, it was great!!

We had a great time and are looking forward to next year!

Gabrielle & Pierce

>From: "Ches" <ches at>
>Reply-To: steppes at
>To: <steppes at>
>Subject: ST - Newsletter
>Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 21:56:38 -0600
>Normally the 20th is the deadline for the newsletter. But being that some 
>us were rather busy this past week I am going to accept reports and
>announcement through the end of this week. Instead of going to Red Tape I 
>going to stay home this weekend and get the newsletter finished and to the
>Please send my your stuff ASAP. I would also like notes about your Gulf 
>experience. Thanks!
>Chiara Francesca
>Dallas, Texas
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