ST - walmart fabric availability

Genevieve de Courtanvaux gdc at
Tue Oct 24 10:38:35 PDT 2000

They aren't discontinuing the fabric line they are packaging it differently.
You will no long be able to go in and buy x amount of yards off of the bolt.
You will have to purchase precut pieces in (at this time) unknown yardage
amounts. I suspect that the yardage amounts will be relatively small. One of
the supercenters in Alabama has already gone to this system.
For me it isn't that big of deal since I don't buy fabric at Wal Mart but
since the SCA is so large and there are many small groups that don't have
any other source for fabric other than Wal Mart I signed the petition.
Genevieve de Courtanvaux

>since i can't read the link, i'm assuming that they are thinking of
>discontinuing the sale of fabric in their stores, is this correct.

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