ST - Steppes Warlord

Weiszbrod, Barbara A (Barbara) baw2 at
Thu Mar 9 06:01:44 PST 2000

> That, unfortunately is a large part of the problem. Of those 5-600 people 
> who come to an event only 5-10% actually do the work and I can tell you
> that those workers do notice the difference. It is measured in feet
> walked, 
> pounds lifted, and hours worked.
Of  the 5-600 people that attend Warlord, the only ones that I expect to
work are the members of this Barony.  Others will offer and are happy to
contribute, but I would like to see a stronger workfroce from within the
Barony itself.  We are the hosts and should treat the people from other
groups as our gests.

> As I have said, I will ask my 'Troll Chief' and see what his opinion is
> and 
> then I will confer with our B&B. At this late date, it would be even more 
> work to take such pre-reservations, so I do not think we will be doing it 
> which means everyone pays the 'extra' which is what, in effect, you are 
> advocating we do in any case.
I am not.  I have seen the charge of $15 as usery.  It is too high for just
a camping event.

> I try not to tailor my actions to the procrastination and inattention of 
> others.
But this is not "your" actions, but he actions of the Barony.  It is not
your reputation that is at stake but that of the Barony.  We are a rich
Barony, I see no reason for us to gouge our freinds.

> The purpose was not to 'Air' our 'Dirty Laundry', but rather to get a
> wider 
> response to the idea that people would rather not pay less and make the
> task easier for us as opposed to the thought that we were punishing them
> by charging more just to line our pockets. There is a large world of
> difference 
> between these two aspects and viewpoints.
People do not see it at paying less.  They do not see it that way, in part,
because the cost of WarLord, until two years ago, was $10 at the gate.  Then
that was changed to $10 pre-pay, $15 at the gate.  Of course it will be
viewed as a late charge rather than an early discount.  

This is a matter that should be decided in the Barony, not one that is open
for vote in the Kingdom.  By posting this sort of discussion on the Kingdom
list you make it appear that we are not able to come to our own agreements.
Again I say that this is not an appropriate topic for the Ansteorra list.

> If something is posted to me privately, I treat it as such. As your
> response 
> was to a greater, more public list, I treated your response as public and 
> therefor posted as such to the audience I wished to reach.
The point is that on this list there has been a thread discussion,
questions, answers, ideas.  When you take one of those comments and post it
on another list, the people reading that list do not have the benefit of
knowing what was discussed previously.  I think we all know how harmefull it
can be to take comments out of context.  Alhtough what I posted was a
complete idea, it is a bad habit to get into, and one that will only serve
to make many people angry with you.  


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