ST - Reminder - joint practice 4/22 at Flagpole Hill

Mordock von Rugen mordockvonrugen at
Wed Apr 18 14:32:44 PDT 2001

This is just a reminder that the joint Elfsea/Steppes war practice is this
Sunday, at Flagpole Hill.  We worked well together at Gulf, but not quite
well enough to keep the War banner in Central Regional hands.  Come on out
and practice, to help make sure that one of our Central Regional units
reclaims that war banner from Bryn Gwlad next year!

Following the practice, please join me in discussing the formation of the
Central Regional war unit.  Do we want a brigade or an army?  What do we
want as our command structure?  How do we choose officers and commanders,
and what are their jobs?  Where and when will practices be held?  What
insignia do we want?  What to call ourselves, if we're a brigade?  Come on
out, and we'll answer these questions together.

Together, the units of the Central Region have the talent and knowhow to
lead all of Ansteorra.  Lets get that talent and knowhow organized, and show
Trimaris what happens when Ansteorra is challenged!

Vivat Ansteorra!

See you Sunday.


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