ST - Reminder - joint practice 4/22 at Flagpole Hill

averial jackson averialj at
Thu Apr 19 10:50:39 PDT 2001

Regretfully I will not be able to attend the very important practice due to 
other comittments.  (Kids have mandotory church choir practice).  But I will 
be able to attend Fighter Practice this summer.

Averial Thorhalla

>From: "Mordock von Rugen" <mordockvonrugen at>
>Reply-To: steppes at
>To: elfsea at, steppes at
>Subject: ST - Reminder - joint practice 4/22 at Flagpole Hill
>Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 16:32:44 -0500
>This is just a reminder that the joint Elfsea/Steppes war practice is this
>Sunday, at Flagpole Hill.  We worked well together at Gulf, but not quite
>well enough to keep the War banner in Central Regional hands.  Come on out
>and practice, to help make sure that one of our Central Regional units
>reclaims that war banner from Bryn Gwlad next year!
>Following the practice, please join me in discussing the formation of the
>Central Regional war unit.  Do we want a brigade or an army?  What do we
>want as our command structure?  How do we choose officers and commanders,
>and what are their jobs?  Where and when will practices be held?  What
>insignia do we want?  What to call ourselves, if we're a brigade?  Come on
>out, and we'll answer these questions together.
>Together, the units of the Central Region have the talent and knowhow to
>lead all of Ansteorra.  Lets get that talent and knowhow organized, and 
>Trimaris what happens when Ansteorra is challenged!
>Vivat Ansteorra!
>See you Sunday.
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