[Steppes] Hospitaler loaner items

Jann Mays hlgabrielle at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 27 08:45:44 PDT 2001

Greetings from the Hospitaler,

Thank you to everyone who donated to the Hospitaler loaner garb!  We have
quite a lot of nice things, now. As a matter of fact, the coffers are full
to overflowing with some very elegant vestments!    We have oodles of ladies
garb and plenty of childrens garb, both boys and girls.  The only garb we
are short on is men's pants and short tunics.  We have a couple of men's ren

However, we still could use donations of feast gear.  We have a few bowls
and silverware, but no plates and absolutely no drinking vessels.  Any
donations in this area would be much appreciated.

I want to thank the following for there recent donations to the garb
coffers:  Lady Isobel, Lady Francesca, Lady(?) Aimee de Longuecoeur and two
unnamed sources (one came to the door this past Sunday and another left a
box of garb in the storage locker).

I would also like to thank Lady Aimee for her tireless efforts in helping
organize and separate all of the garb in their appropriate coffers!  (Again,
Aimee, a big THANK YOU!!  Enjoy the Equestrian Demo in Tomball this

In Service,

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