[Steppes] FW: [Off-Topic] Candlelight Vigil in Arlington

Shetler at home.com Shetler at home.com
Tue Sep 11 12:39:28 PDT 2001

I am sending this out on behalf of my religion.  My religious organization as well as a Wiccan organization and the United Unitarian Church who are hosting, are going to hold a candelight vigil tonight.  Any other religious organizations, persons, individuals, and/or groups are more than welcome to stand with us....

Thanks and pardon me for the use of bandwidth or if you receive this message twice...

Vicki Shetler
aka Isolda von Rugen (SCA Name)
Secretary and Tribal Leader of Asgard Troth

>Please post to where ever you can about it.  Please, have everyone bring candles
> for I fear there may be a shortage of them.
> Pardon this crossposting:

Hey all,

In light of the recent terrorist attacks that have effected us greatly there
will be a candlelight vigil at the Arlington UU Church. The address is 2001
California Ln. and their number is 817-460-6481. At 9 pm today, September
11, 2001. We will be meeting in the grove out back. This is a
non-denominational vigil, anyone interested in attending is welcome! Also,
word of warning, there may be local press coverage of this event. Please let
everyone know to bring candles if at all possible. I'm not sure how many
we'll be able to get hold of. Also, if anyone has flyers or info on where to
go for blood donations, or Red Cross donations, please feel free to bring
them as well. There will be containers for donations to the Red Cross there.


Arlington UU Church is on California Ln. Between Bowen and Fielder. The main
parallel streets to California are Mayfield and Arkansas. If you are coming
from I-20, take Bowen north to California and turn right. If you're coming
from I-30 take Cooper to Arkansas, and turn right. Go to Fielder and turn
left. Go to California, and turn right again. The church is on the north
side of the road.

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