[Steppes] Re: training new autocrats/officers

Morgan Cain morgancain at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 26 13:51:11 PDT 2001

When I have run a feast or an event, I offer to whomever is interested that
they can work in the kitchen and learn how it is done.  I try to involve
them in the planning and early discussions and analysis as well, even if I
just explain to them how I arrived at whatever decisions were made.

I know that new people don't always want to ask for help because they are
afraid the "older" person will take over, or they are nervous about being
criticized.  That is why I find it easier to offer to have deputies when I
do something.  Also, when I teach my classes I offer to be "on-line" to my
students if they have questions once they start implementing, and more than
one has taken me up on this offer.

                                ---= Morgan

Clan Gunn (and LOTS of friends) at the 2001 Milwaukee Highland Games:

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