[Steppes] Waterbearers Needed - Steppes Artisan

Rhodes-walden, Jennifer Jennifer.Rhodes-walden at usa.xerox.com
Thu Aug 22 09:47:33 PDT 2002

Yes, this message pertains to the Pas d'Armes yet again.

If anyone is interested in serving as a waterbearer during the Pas d'Armes,
please let me know off list or volunteer tomorrow. The Waterbearer in Charge
is Frate Rafael; he will be present at Armor Inspection if you wish to
assist. He welcomes all the help he can get!

Thank you for the bandwith - the best of luck to Artisans and fighters

In service,

Elysia Katherine O'Malley for Frate Juan Antonio Rafael Prado, Waterbearer
in Charge

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