[Steppes] Autocratting/Stewarding Events--Thoughts on Change

John de Irwynne lordirwynne at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 11 16:44:43 PDT 2002

 " I agree, but pardon me while I point out the
 elephant in the parlor: There is a vocal minority who
make life extremely unpleasant for event staff if
things are different. "This isn't the spot we had
last year", "But High-fnord so-and-so *always* sits
here", "My announcement is more important than your
schedule, so let me shout down your herald", etc.,
 The numbers of these kind of people - each of whom
thinks they are the exception to the rule - naturally
grows as the Society grows. It's not that the path
we're on is necessarily well traveled, it's that you
get hit with a stick when you try to leave it."
Let me add a thought here. This is more prevalent than
a lot of you may think. If it hasn't been more obvious
its because of the graciousness of many Stewards we
have had. I've Stewarded and I've been in the
background watching this happen. Many of these people
never (or rarely) steward or work events. If a theme
or a different site is what encouraged someone to
actually bid for event, I would like to ask all of you
to support that impulse to the best of your ability.

yours- Elspeth

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