[Steppes] Ya-Ya Sisterhood

Arabella de Montacute arabella at elfsea.net
Fri May 31 09:18:05 PDT 2002

Greetings Ladies,
Several of us were talking last evening and said we wanted to go see "The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" in mass.  However, it doesn't open until Friday, June 7, 2002.

That is the same weekend as the Highland games.  I propose this.... We go see it opening night.  Leave the men to do what men do, leave the children with the men, (let them be daddies) and lets have a girlie night out.

I'll bet it's playing at the EastChase Pkwy theater.  Any other suggestions? We can see it at the 7ish time.  Bring your big hats, tiarra's, feather boas, or any other ecletic clothing you might have and we'll have a ball!!!!

What do you say? - Arabella

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