[Steppes] Reminder: Populace Meeting

Morgan Cain morgancain at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 21 05:34:08 PST 2002

> Remember to attend the Populace Meeting on the 24th this week!

It starts at 7:30pm, at my home in Plano (almost at the junction of 121 and
Coit).  If you need the directions (which I posted earlier this month), they
should be on the Baronial website, or ask and I'll send a copy to you.

I get home from work about 7:00pm, so please don't be TOO early!

                                                        ---= Morgan

"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming."
 I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed."  ---= G. Stoddart

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