[Steppes] Queen's

Potterkd2@cs.com Potterkd2 at cs.com
Sun Jan 27 16:18:56 PST 2002

Hi all,

I know that Antonia will also be writing a thank you and I don't want to
steal her thunder but I did want to send out a personal thank you to
everyone. I don't have the list in front of me with everyone's correct
spelling or who did what so I'm not going to try (I know I'll leave someone
off unintentionally :-).

It was a pure joy to work with all the folks from the Steppes area who
pitched in with dang near every aspect of this event.  Everyone kept coming
up to me and saying "wow -- you put on a great event."  My comment all day
was "no -- those people who busted their butts put on this great event."  You
have no idea how wonderful it was to see everything done so smoothly....esp
after I got out of the WS circle to see that outside was completely torn
down.  I just stood there and *blinked* at the field because I didn't know
what to do. :-) You are a wonderful group of people that I am glad I have had
the honor to get to know.

I also want to say thank you to all of the folks of Elfsea who also helped.
Only Ceatta and Philip are popping into my head as I'm writing this -- but I
know from a fact there was tons more.

Lastly - I want to personally thank Dona Antonia.  If it was not for her
being my co steward I KNOW I would not have had the chance to make it to the
finals of Queen's.  Antonia - YOU ROCK!! (standing up and clapping)

Learning to serve the dream,

Countess KayLeigh, WSA

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