[Steppes] FW: Mitchell Elem. Medieval Times Faire

Cleek, James M. James.M.Cleek at abc.com
Tue Feb 5 09:19:55 PST 2002

Greetings unto the populace of the Steppes,
Although I spoke to this lady too late to set up an actual demo she would
still be interested in having us just show up and add some authenticity to
their event. There will be enough people there to make it worth looking at
and she will contact us much earlier next year if they try this again. The
event is Saturday afternoon and she asked me to forward this to the lists.
If you would like to participate please contact her directly.
Yours in Service,
Iames Lochlainn
Steppes Demo Coordinator

-----Original Message-----
From: Judeslaughter at aol.com [mailto:Judeslaughter at aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 8:11 AM
To: Cleek, James M.
Subject: Mitchell Elem. Medieval Times Faire

Hi James,

This is Judy Slaughter with the Mitchell Elementary PTA and we are wondering
if there might be a few people who would make an appearance at our Faire and
do a "meet and greet" kind of event.  This is our first year to have this
type of theme and we have some great gals doing decorating and we have well
over 1000 parents and students who will attend the event.  This is our
biggest fundraiser of the year and it would be wonderful to have some real
people clothed in the dress of the day and able to visit with the crowd,
just walk around and visit.  The event is held indoors.

The school is Mitchell Elementary, a Plano school, located at Briargrove and
Voss, closest to the North Dallas Tollway between the Briargrove and
Frankford exits.

Please, if anyone can attend this event and just visit with the crowd, we
would be most appreciative.  My phone number is 972.965.8474.  I would love
to hear from some of your members.

Thank you.  Judy

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