[Steppes] Wandering Singing Practice

Mike & Crystal Lemming portofun at ticnet.com
Sun Feb 10 01:46:06 PST 2002


  I hope this letter finds you well.  For those of you who participated in
the sing along last month thank you so much.  We had such a good time! For
those of you who didn't come, shame on you, we had fun and you missed out.
So come this month and we'll have even more fun. I Invite you to lend your
voice once again this Wednesday, Feb. 13th at 7:30 pm.  We will be meeting
at the Richardson home of Lord Iames and his lady Liadan. Directions to

  Sir Miguel has agreed to pick up were Gabrielle left off teaching us
tunes.  He is a very talented bard and tons of fun to be around.  So come
and get your very own FREE green Steppes bard book complete with some great
Ansteorran hits (like the Moose song - just kidding) or add more songs to
your bard book!  We will also go over the songs we learned last month.

   I truly hope you can attend.  Please drop me a line and let me know so
that I can prepare your FREE green Steppes bard book complete with some
great Ansteorran hits (like the Moose song - just kidding).  If you can,
bring munchies to help the hostess.  Garb is optional.

By the way, Border War is just around the corner.  They have planned a
Bardic Circle for Saturday night.  What a time we will have!

  Yours in Service and Song,


PS:  You don't have to sing if you don't want to.

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