[Steppes] No whining! Let's have barbecue!

Glen Wilkerson gdwilkerson at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 15 11:59:28 PST 2002

Okay, no more whining!  And none of that "Gulf War Orphan" bushwah either -
you are all the DFW Homeguard and don't you forget it!

The Trimarians are a bold and crafty foe, and while they engage the Grand
Army of Ansteorra, it would be just like them to flank our main forces and
send their reserves off to try to invade us through Northkeep - or they
could possibly take ship and try to invade from the south, say, through
Tierra del Fuego...

Possible, maybe.  Probable, no - no more than finding working Nike missles
at that abandoned base in Alvarado and using them on the Trimarian
Expeditianary Force.  Too bad, though - it would probably settle all of
these endless "ties."

Anyway, am I worried about being invaded?  No.  So, let's go have dinner.
Cian is having a party in Elfsea Friday night, and I have copied the
information below if anyone is interested, but for those who can't make it
out tonight, or make it all the way to Fort Worth, I have another proposal.
Let's go have barbecue...

Green's Main Street Barbecue in Euless.  Take your favorite route to Airport
Freeway in Euless, take the Main Street exit and go north, watch for the
Braum's on the left - Green's is immediately past it on the right.  Park in
the lot that say's Green's Trucking, and watch for the trailer mounted giant
armadillo smoker.  Go in, fill your plate, pay the little lady at the end of
the counter a ten dollar bill, and sit down and eat until your eyes bulge.
If you have a favorite adult beverage or the kids a favorite soft drink,
that's okay too.

All you can eat barbecue and you can bring your own cooler - who could ask
for more?

Anyway, I'm going...  Saturday night, 6:00, I'll be there - anybody that
wants, please join me.

Don Alaric

PS - Info for Cian's party follows:

-----Original Message-----
From: blakrose <blakrose at swbell.net>
To: elfsea list <elfsea at ansteorra.org>; list <loch-ruadh at ansteorra.org>;
glaslyn list <glaslyn at ansteorra.org>
Date: Monday, March 11, 2002 5:42 PM
Subject: [Fwd: [Loch-Ruadh] RE: [Elfsea] Pity Party WAS --> Gulf War

>the party is this friday the 15th--- hours from 1800(6 PM) til whenever
>lets run it along the lines of a wandering bardic----bring your own
>booze---bring one dish to share---single ladies ALWAYS welcome......if
>you bring kids then YOU are responsible for them-----drummers
>welcome---singers welcome----irish are welcome, vikings are welcome,
>even saxon dogs are welcome, anyone is welcome---garb is optional not
>i will as usual provide burgers----i have seating for over 20 already in
>my yard  but if you have a fav chair its a good idea to bring it along
>address is  1246 Abelia Drive   Ft Worth  76108

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