[Steppes] Celtic Three Horse design

Patrick Cuccurello pat at adtelusa.com
Mon May 20 11:32:30 PDT 2002

This may not be the proper forum, but my lord bade me ask on the list.
Brendan is looking for the source of the celtic design which is circular and
has three entertwining horses with celtic knotwork.  Does anyone know where
documentation can be found for this design?  Any help will be appreciated.

Anne the Spinster
AKA dsmallory at mymail.net

The majority of the designs I've seen are copies of the drawing in George
Bain's book on Celtic Knotwork and Key patterns.  Most of your SCA book
merchants carry a copy of it and it's sequel written by his son--I believe.

As to whether this a documentable pattern used "in period" or a construction
that George Bain came up with I cannot tell you.  He was a prolific artist
and researcher.  From just my poking around though, the pattern looks much
more modern than ancient.  I would love to be proved wrong however <<grin>>.

If Wolf is out there (I believe he hails from Bryn Gwlad), he might know--or
any of the serious "Celt-o-philes" :)


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