[Steppes] Thank you

Patrick Cuccurello pcuccurello at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 3 09:46:10 PDT 2003

I would like to take a moment to thank a number of people who made the feast 
possible yesterday at Steppes Artisan.  In most cases feast accolades tend 
to focus on whomever the Head Cook happens to be.  Where I tend to be a bit 
of an extrovert and enjoy the attention, I would be remiss in not bringing 
to your notice those people who *really* did the hard work and cooking.  
Their hard work and amiable manner make my contributions pale in comparison. 
  I am merely the mirror that has reflected their hard work and dedication.  
I am in their debt.

Lord Iames--  who inspite of making certain our Baron's need were met during 
the day still managed to pop into the kitchen and feed me beer so I would 
not go into withdrawal and flop about on the floor of the kitchen (not a 
pretty sight).

m'ladye Aleta-- who came into the kitchen yesterday morning and pitched in 
all day with all phases of the prep work, cleaning, and whatever needed to 
be done.  I am told that she is fairly new to the Barony and the Society.  
With gentles such as herself our fair Barony shall certainly shine the 

m'lord  Adrian-- who spent an entire day rollling meatballs and cooking them 
for the feast.

Lady Liaden-- who aided in all parts of the preparation of lunch and dinner. 
  Not to mention being the "Goddess of the Rubber Gloves" and keeping our 
pots and pans clean as the day rolled on.

Laird Aonghus MhicKinnon--  Keeper of the Hummus.  Bane of mushrooms, 
onions, and cuccumbers.  Sou Chef of Doom.

Brother Kristopherous--  My dear friend and right hand in the kitchen.  His 
skill, insight, and quiet demeanor provided a quiet harbor in the maelstorm 
that is a feast kitchen.

My dear ladyewife, Mistress Ronna--  I could not have done this without her 
help.  She is my heart, my breath, and a swift kick to my butt when I lose 
track of what I am suppose to be accomplishing

I would also like to thank Lord Noble and Lady Morgan who provided the 
information and guidance I needed to make lunch and dinner an integral part 
of the event.  I would also like to thank the entire Autocrat staff for 
providing such a lovely event for all of us.  Your hard work and devotion is 

Finally I would like to thank our most gracious Baron and Baroness of the 
Steppes, Fritz and Catrin.  Their leadership, focus, and caring are an 
inspiration for all of us.  They are truly the bright center of our Barony 
and a jewel in the Crown of Ansteorra.

To you the people of Ansteorra, thank you for all of your kind words during 
the day.  It is the coin that we in the kitchen work for.  That and happy, 
content faces after a meal.  To the populous of the Steppes, and the Oaks of 
the Steppes, thank you.  When I moved here years ago I felt as if I was a 
"Stranger in a Strange Land". You have graciously shown me that even though 
I may  have felt that way, I have always had a home here.  I will strive to 
live up to the honor that you have bestowed upon me.

Thanks to all of you for the opportunity to once again serve the fair Barony 
of the Steppes.
I remain, In Service to the Crown and the Baron and Baroness of the Steppes,

Sar-a Modun, Khan.
  known in these western lands as,
Maestro Petruccio Alfonso Maria Cuccieri de Cataluna
(or just plain Pet. de Cat.    meow.....)

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