[Steppes] We're having a huge garage reduction

Lisa Duke arabella at elfsea.net
Thu Aug 28 18:17:29 PDT 2003

Greetings to all of you.

I'm tired of being a pack rat.  I want my garage and attic back.  We're
selling 10 years worth of stuff.  Cheap!!!!

All of Trevor, Ashley and Lauren's youth clothes.
Boy - sizes infant to Boy's size 7.  Girls 6x to size 14
Women's sizes 5/small up to size 22w.  There are several women's suits I've
grown out of.
Fearghus hasn't gone through his closet yet but there will be men's clothing
as well.

Girl scout stuff

Lots of Baby stuff

Children's toys and several bicycles,

some camping type pots and utensils.

pet equipment

NO SCA STUFF - I want to make room for my SCA stuff - he he

Call us if you need directions - 817-467-6959

Starting Saturday, Sunday and Monday 9a.m. - 5p.m.

HL Arabella
"Never pass up an opportunity to say nothing.  If you need to say something
do it in private."
Foster Protégé to Sir Pendaran Glamorgan

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