[Steppes] it ain't my fault!

averial jackson averialj at hotmail.com
Tue May 27 06:59:43 PDT 2003

As Site Steward I still can't think about this weekend and the people that
stepped up to the plate with out choking up.  The list of people to thank is
long. And when I can see through the tears, I'll start the list.  For now
I'll just say  Thank you to all.


>From: "Karen Calhoun" <kmcalhou at garlandisd.net>
>Reply-To: steppes at ansteorra.org
>To: <steppes at ansteorra.org>
>Subject: [Steppes] it ain't my fault!
>Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 08:23:56 -0500
>Now wait a minute!  My name gets thrown in to the "blame-pile" just because
>I had something to do with autocratting each of the "Waterlords".  It's
>mere coincidence I tell you!  I wasn't me!  It was the ducks.  Roast 'em
>with a nice orange sauce I say.
>On a more serious note:
>As a member of the autocratting staff, I would like to extend a HUGE thank
>you to all of our heroes.  Many were left without dry clothing, a place to
>sleep, food to eat, or a way to get home.  Our heroes stepped forward and
>helped where it was needed.  You cleaned, you hugged, you waded, and you
>lifted.  On the behalf of the entire autocratting team:  Thank you.
>We'll be posting a list of thank you's and names, but I wanted to say how
>much it meant to me to see so many people pulling together to help each
>other.  We are truly a strong community.
>Vivat Steppes!
>Vivat Ansteorra!
>Vivat the SCA!
>With much thanks,
>Ekatarina Iadorovna Kharlampieva
>known as Katya
>Warlord 30 Co-Autocrat
>Steppes mailing list
>Steppes at ansteorra.org

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