[Steppes] Morgan and Fighter Practice tomorrow

Michael Smith morganbuchanan at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 12 15:35:31 PDT 2003

Well.  I had PRK surgery on my right eye yesterday.  It's a lot like Lasik
but slightly different.  One of the differences is that they only do 1 eye
at a time and the other difference is that the recovery time is a bit
longer.  IE, right now, I can't drive and I can't stand being in the
sunlight for very long.  The even MORE joyeous part is that I can only
really focus  out of 1 eye at a time...my left eye through my glasses is as
good as it was with glasses before obviously, but that's my non-dominant
eye.  So I get ligth headed quickly looking through that eye.  My right eye
is about 20/30 so far (which is a miracle), but I have a contact lense
"bandage" on it that's probably got it to 10/100.  I get the contact taken
off on Tuesday and hopefully have the second surgery on my left eye on

So there's no way I can hang out at FP tomorrow.  If the loaner gear is
needed, I'll bring it down.  Kim will drive.  :)  Is anyone going to
practice tomorrow (it looks like it's going to be BEAUTIFUL!)?  I'll arrange
to get the loaner gear down there at 2:00 p.m. if someone wants to use it.
And of course I'll need to get it back for the weekend of the 27th. which
should be a LOT of fun!

Let me know...  Give me a call if your email is going out a little late.

Knight Marshal

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