[Steppes] Morgan's Open House - Sunday 7/6

Morgan Cain (Ansteorra) morgancain at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 3 05:20:43 PDT 2003

Hi, y'all:

This is to let you know the where and when of my open house.  To answer a question I was asked last night - no, I am not planning to move.  But if I don't get rid of some of this stuff.......

Since Seamus is not doing cooking for Artisan and therefore doesn't need a practice-prep on Sunday (OK, I might get talked into making apricot tartlets anyway), I am going to fighter practice instead.  So, the house will open later than I had suggested earlier this week.

The open house will be from about 5:00-5:30pm (depending upon when I get back) until darkish on Sunday evening, July 6th.  That is this coming Sunday.

I am located at 4009 Christopher Way, Plano.  This is a bit south of 121, almost Frisco, for those needing orientation.  Just off Coit, which is halfway between the Tollway on the west, and 75/Central on the east, and just south of Hedgcoxe.

Getting here:
FROM 121 (if you come south on 35, go east on 121) - go until you get to COIT.  Turn South (right if you are coming from the west, left if you are coming from the east), and it will be the first street on the right after Hedgcoxe.  You will pass the Eckard, Sonic, and credit union on the righthand side, then a brick wall, then turn into Christopher.

FROM THE EAST - get to Legacy and head west.  Or, get to Coit from your best method (Belt Line, whatever).  At the corner of Legacy (or whatever) and Coit, turn North (should be a righthand turn).  The corner of Legacy and Coit has a Tom Thumb and a McDonalds on the northeast corner, and gas stations on three of the four corners.  Head north past Hearst Castle (the light after Legacy), and Christopher is the second left after that.  You should see a sign saying "Fountain Creek" on the brick wall.

FROM THE WEST - Pretty much the same as above, but you turn left to go north at Coit.  You will have just passed Preston (289) and Ohio, and a church, a Hobby Lobby, a Walgreens, some fast-food places (all on the right) if you are coming on Legacy.

FROM THE SOUTH - I am west of the High 5 mess.  Getting off at Coit can be iffy if you are coming from the west on 635; get off at Preston instead.  If you are coming from the east, well, it's ugly.  Just accept that.  You can try taking 12 (Northwest Highway) to Preston, and head north, then west (right) on Legacy.  If you come north on 35, take either the tollway or Frankford to Coit and head north from there.

Once you are on Christopher, there is one house on the right, then Anthony Lane.  I am the third house on the right AFTER Anthony Lane.  There is a red door and some roses growing semi-wild next to it, and red/white/blue ribbons tied to the trunk of the tree in front.  If I can do it without falling out the window, there will be a big rosette and bunting hung over the garage.

Yes, the first floor of the house is accessible, although I have not tried getting a wheelchair into the WC and it's probably not going to fit.  Crutches or a walker should work, and two toddlers and a grandmother fit in there just fine.

                                                                    ---= Morgan

PS:  I stock only juice, tea, and diet pop.  If you want other beverages, bring them.

" One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making
  exciting discoveries."                                ---=  A. A. Milne
"....look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else."
        ---= Tom Stoppard, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead" (1967)

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