[Steppes] New site for Warlord

Aaron Robb philo_net at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 3 14:34:42 PDT 2003

--- Jann Mays <hlgabrielle at yahoo.com> wrote:
> - A thought for an indoor site came to mind for another event. 
> There's a winery in Grapevine that offers it's "Barrel Room" for
> wedding receptions and the like.  It wouldn't take much to make
> THAT place look period.  The barrels are floor to ceiling!

Delany Vinyard is I believe where you're referring to. I've had the
same thought, but I'm turned off by the fact that their wine tastes
like it was casked in an old shoe. OTOH, they have a great
buffet/prep area which is behind a magnificient set of double wooden
doors that would be prefect to set up a portable kitchen in (if they
don't have restricted catering rules). Anyway, this is encouragement
to check it out...


Aaron D. Robb, M.Ed., NCC, LPC

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