[Steppes] Challenge

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 18 11:49:34 PDT 2003

Nick Vatavia wrote, in response to me:
> I read the same passage plus a few sources online and got the impression that
> the Syrians where not at the battle of Elasa but rather on the way to it. 
> Maccabee was defeated prior to the Syrians getting there.  Where did you read
> that it was a Syrian army?

I Maccabees 9: "(1)  When Demetrius heard that Nicanor and his army had fallen
in battle, he again sent Bacchides and Alcimus into the land of Judah, along
with the right wing of his army."

Demetrius I, of the Seleucian dynasty, was king of Syria from 162 B.C. to his
death in 150 B.C.  (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demetrius_I_of_Syria)

"(11)  Then the army of Bacchides moved out of camp and took its position for
combat. ...  (12)  Bacchides was on the right wing.  Flanked by the two
squadrons, the phalanx attacked as they blew their trumpets.  ...  (14)  Seeing
that Bacchides was on the right, with the main force of his army, Judas, with
all the most stouthearted rallying to him, (15) drove back the right wing and
pursued them as far as the mountain slopes.  (16) But when the men on the left
wing saw that the right wing was driven back, they turned and followed Judas
and his men, taking them in the rear.  (17) The battle was fought desperately,
and many on both sides fell wounded.  (18) Then Judas fell, and the rest fled."

Demetrius, a Syrian king, sent his army, led by Bacchides, to defeat Judas. 
Bacchides's army fought and defeated Judas.  I conclude from this that a Syrian
king sent an army of Syrians that defeated Judas.

There is no way that his was an army of Romans.  During his father's reign he
was kept as hostage in Rome; he escaped, to return eventually to his home to
rule.  Meanwhile, Judas had *allied* with the Romans:

I Maccabees 8:31-32, "Moreover, concerning the wrongs that King Demetrius has
done to them [the Jewish people], we [the Romans] have written to him thus:
'Why have you made your yoke heavy upon our friends and allies the Jews?  If
they [the Jews] complain about you [the Syrians] again, we [the Romans] will do
them [the Jews] justice and make war on you [the Syrians] by land and sea.' "

Biblical quotes are taken from "The New American Bible with Revised New
Testament" (c) 1986, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, printed by Catholic
Bible Publishers, Wichita, Kansas.  Words in [brackets] are added by me.

This is the history as it would have been known to medieval Christians, as Her
Grace requested.

I will not be able to check medieval Bibles this weekend due to family
obligations.  Your Grace, I will contact you directly if any additional
information comes to light.

--Serena Lascelles, OL

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