[Steppes] A Passing in the Royal Pack of Ansteorra

Cairenn Day cpenny at swbell.net
Tue Jun 29 11:06:34 PDT 2004

I don't have just a few, I've got a large pack, Ginger, Ginger II,
Rebel, Cindy, Darby, Lady, Mollie, Legend, Gypsy, Missy, Lancer, Malone,
Laura, Lisa, Lesa, Lassie, Connie, April, Legend II, Starbuck, Trinity,
Lucky(a founding Irish Setter, Blaze, Banner, Patti, Traci---all Irish

Sassie, Wolf-dog, Susie, Loki---the non-setters

Pangur, Midias, Tootsie,  and from my childhood Fluffy,Smokey, Cookie,
Inky and several whose names I have forgotten (3 year olds don't
remember everything)---the felines

I hope that several of these guys choose to meet my parents, I loved
them but so did my parents  (I never got a scrapbook made for Legend, my
Mom started crying whenever I tried.

It is comforting to know that they wait patiently for us, like they did
so often in life.


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