[Steppes] Trailer KIT for Sale

Lady Sunnifa sunnifa at housewhiteshark.org
Tue May 18 13:14:28 PDT 2004

Kom hael og sael!

This is a touch off-topic, but not entirely.

I have a 8'x4' trailer KIT for sale. This kit comes complete with
everything needed to construct an 8'x4' trailer except for flooring and
sides. It comes with 8" wheels but will also take 12" wheels I believe.
This kit claims that it can be assembled with commonly available tools.
The metal is treated and red. The kit has not been assembled or unboxed.
3/4" marine grade plywood is recommended as 'flooring' and the frame has
stake pockets so with creativity and additional materials and hardware, it
is possible to construct a pretty good walled trailer. It is rated for
S-10/Sonoma or larger trucks/vehicles.

I am asking $200 or best reasonable offer by Sunday, May 23. The kit brand
new tends towards the $250 range. I will deliver, and delivery must be
accepted by Sunday, May 23.

I purchased this some time ago, and THEN discovered that my apartment
complex will not allow me to store a trailer on site. I have no where to
store it without incurring additional expense, and so it has languished
unbuilt. I need it out of my truck bed and out of my life!

You may contact me at this email address or by calling 214-794-3872.


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