[Steppes] Rapier Practice is at Elfsea this week.

Brendan McEwan brendan_mcewan at dhope.net
Tue Aug 16 20:54:36 PDT 2005

Beginning this week, once a month we will be traveling to Elfsea to practice with our neighbors.  After discussions with Elfsea, we have come to an arrangement to travel once a month in each direction.  This will greatly increase our numbers during these visits.  Come out and join us!!!

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>From Dallas, make your best route to Airport Freeway (that’s where 183 and 121 come together in Bedford, west of DFW Airport.)  


You’ll go west through Euless, into Bedford.


The first Bedford exit you’ll see is for Central Drive.  Exit there, and stay on the service road going west.


You’ll pass a road called Parkwood, then come to Forest Ridge.  Turn right on Forest Ridge.  (It’s about two minutes west of Central.)


Go north on Forest Ridge until you cross Bedford Road.  After that, watch for the entrance to the Bedford Boys Ranch on your left.


Turn into the Boys Ranch, and follow the road around to the left, past the water park.  You’ll see us setting up in a parking lot with a grassy strip between the parking lot and some apartments.  


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