[Steppes] One more on Replies

Dawn Rummel dsrummel at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 15 07:50:34 PST 2005

I believe this change is ill-advised.  In the end, it may not even solve the problem you're hoping to solve and yet create new ones.  Most replies to lists are intended for the list, not just the person who wrote a post, thus one's habit is to hit the button that sends e-mail to the list.  Replies to lists that are intended as private often happen because the writer's habit is to hit the Reply button and he/she forgets to change the address.  When this change is instituted, the new habit will become the "Reply All" button, and the same thing will likely occur.  In addition, all replies to a writer's post will show up in his/her inbox twice - an unneccessary and unwanted burden, IMHO.  

My 2 cents. (sorry to jump in so late)


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