[Steppes] Thank you for your thoughts from Fritz

Ron Hardy rhemail at swbell.net
Thu Mar 3 17:28:27 PST 2005

Thank you all for all the kind wishes and notes that you have sent us in the
last few days.


If you are un-aware of what's going on, go to www.dirtyrottenthieves.com
<http://www.dirtyrottenthieves.com/>  and you can find out what I'm talking


Yes we have suffered a loss of equipment but the guy that was using it and I
are trying to work things out.


Yes we had insurance but not enough so check you property policies folks,
the little things add up and some big things may need to be added.  If you
have a trailer make sure you're covered if it's not on your car.

Also a big butch lock and chain won't stop them. If you have a trailer, lock
it to your car or put a tongue lock on it!!!!!!


Yes the loss will effect our income some in the short term but not
drastically as I do a lot of stuff that doesn't require my lights.


And Yes they found the trailer today burned to a crisp in south east Dallas.
See website for the crispy pix.



Lastly, I am touched by the offers of money and fund raising on our behalf
but we are OK financially. Our income is only partially provided by the
lighting instruments and when the dust all settles and we collect insurance
we will be able to buy again most of the stuff I need. Thank you anyway for
your efforts on our behalf.


I have learned a few things in this experience so far.

Stuff can be replaced - friends can't. With-in 24 hrs of the theft I had
offers from my co workers in the industry to loan me their gear, free, till
I got back on my feet and other larger rental houses offering to let me buy
gear through them at their discounts if I needed it. And from you guys
offers of money, fund raisers and help with beating the crap out of them if
I ever find them. And most importantly offers of "let me know what I can do"
and "I'm sorry that sucks"        THANK YOU ALL!!!! 



We'll be just fine. Everything happens for a reason, we just need to figure
this one out.

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