[Steppes] Attendance increase suggestions?

ED Reese reese_esther at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 3 16:13:37 PST 2005

I think Populace would be a great place to start it. The idea of a "set aside" room / rooms / place is a good one, too -- less pressure on everyone.
Later, maybe, if people enjoy it, we can expand it to other venues. Like maybe have a "tavern-ish" thing at a weekend fighter practice / archery practice, etc.  What do you think?
And yes, since I brought it up, I'm volunteering.

Kevin Black <kblack4 at hotmail.com> wrote:
You know that's a pretty good idea. It's something that could probably done 
at a populace. Just segment a percentage of the place for it (since there 
probably aren't people who'd be interested in playing their personna).

Hubert d'Aiguës-Mortes
Qui fait plus, mieux vaux

>From: ED Reese 
>To: steppes.seneschal at gmail.com, steppes at ansteorra.org
>Subject: Re: [Steppes] Attendance increase suggestions?

>Um, could we do something kind of fun once in a while? A potluck "tavern" 
>on a Saturday night, where we can dress up, and be our persona, and listen 
>to old war stories, and maybe dance a little, sing and tell stories -- you 
>know, something where our Seneschal is a Viking, not the Seneschal, and our 
>Baron isn't an "officer", but an erudite, strong-armed Lord, with his 
>elegant Spanish lady?
>No reports, just play -- and with a potluck, the "burden" is spread across 
>the players. The game is as good as is brought.
>Elaine Crittenden wrote:
> >From what you say, we can encourage attendees by the following:
>1. Call and invite those we haven't seen in a while. (Self-explanatory)
>2. Express appreciation those who feel underappreciated. (Suggestions?)
>3. Protect those who over-volunteer to the point of brownout. (More ideas?)
>Anyone care to offer helpful suggestions?
>As for #1: Why not go back into old membership directories and Domesday
>books to see who actually dropped out and are still in the area? Those 
>be sources.
>I think of this because I did that a few years ago, looking for those who
>were in my ZIP code, thinking it might be nice to have a party for the
>"locals" in my ZIP, just to get us acquainted and aware of each other's
>proximity. (Due to a non-playing husband, that idea went down the tube,
>unfortunately.) Maybe someone else might do that? What about a specific 
>for ZIP parties to take place all over the area? Start small, work big....
>Myself, I have been preaching #2 for a long time. I still think that Thank
>You Cards could serve a great purpose, even if only one person gets a sense
>of satisfaction out of many cards given/mailed out. Official awards and 
>Fame announcements are not the only avenues to make someone feel
>appreciated. Sometimes, the Official things are too few and too far apart 
>keep volunteers and attendance up. Right?
>#3 is *wonderful*!!!
>Personal experience:
>Nuala (God bless her magnanimous soul!) has vowed to give me the gift (at
>this Warlord) of being able to do something I have never been able to 
>have the time to *casually* wander through the merchant and competition
>displays areas, to actually be able to sit down and watch all aur wonderful
>fighters in the lists and other venues, explore all the other good stuff
>available, and to just hang out with the other gentles. Normally, I am
>stressed out to the max, frantically trying to correctly spell award
>winners' names in the most beautiful lettering I can manage in the time
>frame and work area circumstances, usually in a corner somewhere (sometimes
>with guards sent to protect my isolation) so the many awardees over those
>three days can actually get a certificate when they win one! (The fact that
>they need one, and should get it *then* in order to feel appreciated, is
>part of my philosophy about helping with #2.)
>If we could clone those caring people who protect others from themselves,
>like Nuala (who also just possibly has an over-volunteer demon of her 
>I think a lot of our "same group of doers" might not brownout so often.
>There's a lot to be said for an "enforced" sabbatical...For myself, I 
>proclaim, "Vivat Nuala!" and am humbly grateful with bewildered
>My two florins...
> >From: Steppes Seneschal
> >To: "Barony of Steppes - SCA, Inc."
> >Subject: [Steppes] Populace Friday, 2-25-05
> >Date: Mon THJan 31,2005,11:19 PM
> >
> >(snip)
>in this case it's just a good simple solution to the problem of
> > falling local membership.
> >
> > People in the SCA go through brown out periods from time to time, I
> > think I have gone through about 3. Usually they have been either
> > under appreciated or over volunteered, usually both. But all it takes
> > is for one person to tell them how much they are missed to get things
> > rolling again. It's not really that hard to do, just make the call.
> > --
> > Jon Rolfsson
> > Steppes Seneschal
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