[Steppes] More on populace - Feb18th

ED Reese reese_esther at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 5 14:46:17 PST 2005

Wow! That sounds FABULOUS!!! Count me in!!!
And indeed, you are correct -- one should never miss a chance to toast a marshmallow. :-) I've actually acquired 20 long skewers that I will bring -- and a bag of marshmallows. :-)

Steppes Seneschal <steppes.seneschal at gmail.com> wrote:
After some negotiation with the owner of the home, we have been
allowed to setting up a Bardic area in the back yard, including a REAL
bardic fire. So, since Gulf war is on the horizon, I suggest war
stories and songs be the topic of the night's bardic.

Of course if it rains, we will setup inside, maybe with a tea candle
instead of the fire pit.

Before anyone asks, I suggest roasting marshmallows be deemed "period"
for the night. You should never miss a chance to roast marshmallows.

Bring a cloak, garb, camp chair, and a proper marshmallow roasting
tool (if you want).

A mini Steppes court and bardic. This is a good start. Are there any
other ideas?

Beer (on tap) will be provided. He has almost 10 gallons of home brew
to part with!

PS. I will have more details on the NTIF demo to share. So come on
down, better to be late than miss the fun altogether.

Jon Rolfsson
Steppes Seneschal
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