[Steppes] Daily update on Mistress Kalida

alkudsi at aol.com alkudsi at aol.com
Thu Feb 23 11:01:15 PST 2006

You'll be happy to know this will probably be the last post I need to make.  Kalida is home, and, in her words, "not feeling like death warmed over" any more.  She is obviously still not fully recovered, but she is on the mend!  She can take short phone calls (just be careful of the time you call and how long you keep her on), and may be up to short visits later in the weekend (obviously, call first).
Thank you all for the emails.  Rest assured I have passed along all your good wishes and prayers to her, and she is very appreciative.  Thorkel is setting up a way for her to access the internet from her chair, hopefully today, so you can start sending your emails and best wishes to her directly.  Use her potter at pegasuspottery.com address, and she'll be sure to get them.  
I wish to express my personal appreciation to everyone that has written or called.  Your good wishes and prayers have reminded me again that the SCA is a family -- one that may squabble now and again, or not always agree, but that pulls together when it counts.
HL Saqra

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