[Steppes] Lindenwood tables - 12th night table reservations

Vicki Marsh xaraxene at comcast.net
Tue Jan 3 20:31:24 PST 2006


These are the names we have right now for the Lindenwood & friends table. If
I missed anyone, please e-mail me. These are only the people who have
contacted me to date......

We will be decorating the table with gold, red, and blue with a theme of
"The Three Kings". I have a statue of them and Arabella will be bringing
hers, too. (One of the three kings looks a lot like a CP we all know and
love.....)Sunnifa has made some banners and stands to set next to our
tables, Maria made a red & gold banner/table runner, I'm bringing 3 gold
tablecloths and some decorations, Regina is bringing rosemary and candles,
Arabella is bring candelabras and candles, etc. Those who made the New
Year's painting party will have lovely new feast gear, but don't worry if
you don't have matching stuff. Suzanna, do you have any myrrh or
frankincense? Remember, the 3 Kings brought gold, frankincense and myrrh.
After the event, we are planning on staying to help with site clean-up as a

January 6th is the night of the 3 Kings which is still celebrated in Spain -
el noche de los tres magos.

If there is anyone else who wants to sit with us, please let me know so I
can forward the information to Catalina. So far we have 3 tables of eight
and one leftover (Paige, perhaps? We can squeeze her in somewhere....)
Llywelyn will be late getting there due to class.

I don't know exactly who all is registered for feast, but I hope we can
still get 3-4 tables.

PAige (child)
Ryan (child)
Diane (child)
Countess Regina Gunnvor Morningstar
LD Micheau de Sevinge
Ld Orric Longtooth
HL Fridar Harolds
Trae (child)
Michael (child)
Mistress Alix
Trevor (child)

Thank you all for your indulgence with your seneschal.

In Service,

Mistress Xene Theriane
Lindenwood Seneschal
"The little Canton with the Big Heart"

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