[Steppes] Golden Key garb

Julie Cunningham juliecunningham65 at yahoo.com
Tue May 30 21:52:43 PDT 2006

In my year plus in office, I have heard that other kingdoms and baronies out there somewhere provide a newcomer with their first T-Tunic. I have questions for you.....
   I like the idea, but do we simply just give it to them?  Do we ask for any donation? If we do take a donation, how do we handle the money (does it go back to the hospitaler for fabric)? Or do we ask them to someday replace the item they were given? So what happens when we give out T- tunics and after one or two events we never see the newcomer again? Should this fabric money come out of baronial funds? If so, what is the budget per year? Should we have a fund raiser every year for fabric (Baronial garage sale) ?  Do we have a day-long sewfest to make T-Tunics for the barony?
  I would like to hear what you think.

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