[Steppes] Sunday Night at Warlord

Catalina Elvira Osorio y Lopez de Xerez ladycatalina at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 23 09:51:12 PDT 2007

We did have a larger group of people stay Sunday night when that was the 
night that we held the Steppes Bardic championship.

Sanguinem dumtaxat causam virtutis pendate

>From: "Alasdair MacEogan" <alasdair at bmhanson.net>
>Actually this is not entirely correct.  Lets look at the published schedule 
>(knowing it is up for change)
>   As you said, site open set up.  kind of hard to really schedule any 
>events on Friday as not everyone has it off and most have to travel.
>   Morning Court
>   Youth Boffer
>   Heavy Lists
>   Equestrian
>   Evening Courts
>   Bardic
>   Morning Court
>   Rapier Lists
>   Steppes Archer
>   Thrown Weapons
>   Evening Court
>   Site Closes
> >
> >  Does this really sound like a four day event? Not even close.
>Comparing it to the 3 day events that you have to be off site on Sunday 
>then yes it does.  I will agree with you that we are very heavy on 
>Saturday.  I would not mind seeing if things could balance a little more.  
>Also realize that there are non-competition activities generally (A&S, the 
>Heavy Melees, other Archery competitions, etc.
>I think the direction has been to load up on Saturday because not everyone 
>does have Monday off.  right or worng, that is what I have seen.  The trend 
>i have seen in recent years has been to leave Sunday anyway so as to have a 
>free day on Monday.  Fewer people seem to want to stay Sunday night now it 
>seems.  probably because there is nothing really scheduled for Sunday 
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>Steppes at lists.ansteorra.org

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