[Steppes] 12th Nite Documentary

Martin Catt mlc12th at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 17 06:36:08 PST 2007

For those of you who might be wondering about the current status of the 12th 
Nite documentary, I thought I'd post an update.

After spending a couple of weeks looking over the raw footage, I've 
concluded that there isn't sufficient content for doing a general-release 
documentary. In particular, I "lost" the last hour when the hall lights were 
turned down, dropping the level below the noise floor of the camera. The 
camera compensated by boosting the gain, but at the expense of image 
quality. The result is the last hour of footage looks like it was shot 
through a pink snowstorm -- an interesting effect, but it sorta leaves me 
without an ending.

That said, I do have a considerable amount of wonderful material and I'll be 
pulling it together the more striking sections as a sort of 
stream-of-consciousness impression of 12th Nite.

This project was, first and foremost, to be a learning experience, and to 
that end it has been a resounding success. I worked up to -- and a little 
beyond -- the limits of my equipment and stretched my own abilities in the 
process. I also discovered that a project of that size is really too much 
for one person (think "production crew" next time), and that one really 
shouldn't commit to fourteen hours of taping when coming off a weeks 

I'd like to thank the populace at large for being so downright kind and 
understanding, and putting up with some odd guy plopping a tripod down in 
their midst and generally being in the way. Expect to see some finished 
material in a few months.


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