[Steppes] Polling Form on Website

crystal.lemming at prudential.com crystal.lemming at prudential.com
Thu Mar 22 12:39:30 PDT 2007

The polling form on the website is a Microsoft Word document.  If you do
not have MS Word, you can open it with WordPad which I believe comes
standard with Windows operating systems.  Or... you can print out this
email.  :)

Polling Form

Opinion Polling:  Steppes Landed Nobility

Results of this opinion poll will be shared only with the Regional
Seneschal, the Kingdom Seneschal and the Crown. The results of this
baronial opinion poll will not be made public. This is the norm for opinion
polls conducted in Ansteorra. Please understand that this poll is a measure
of your opinions, not a “vote.” The Crown alone makes the decision, in
consultation with their Heirs.

The following candidates have declared their intent to run for the position
of landed nobility of the Barony of the Steppes. Please rank each couple or
candidate in order with 1 being your first choice. Remember that the final
decision rests with Their Majesties.
| Candidates                       | Rank  (with 1 being your first|
|                                  | choice)                       |
| HL   Alasdair   MacEogan  and  HL|                               |
| Margarite McBridin               |                               |
| HL  Jaque  the Spink and Baroness|                               |
| Francesca Laviana Sansovino      |                               |
| Lady Katheryn Cunningghame       |                               |
| Sir   Morgan  Buchanan  and  Lady|                               |
| Ciannait Campbell                |                               |

Please enter your information below.
| Legal name:              |                                               |
| SCA name:                |                                               |
| Membership      #     (if|                                               |
| applicable):             |                                               |
|                          | If  you  are not an SCA member, please use the|
|                          | yellow form.                                  |
| Signature (legal name):  |                                               |
| Zip code of residence:   |                                               |
| SCA group of residence:  |                                               |

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