[Steppes] weather in Steppes area

AlKudsi at aol.com AlKudsi at aol.com
Wed May 2 21:34:58 PDT 2007

I was on the road to Irving (to Kalida's and Thorkel's home) when the  
weather struck.  I-35 was a mess...we were barely doing 25 miles per  hour.  When I 
got to Irving, the rain was bucketing down, and areas west  were even worse.  
When I got back home tonight, there were downed branches, some very  
localized power outages (mine must have gone out and come right back on), a lot  of 
water around, and one of the houses in the neighborhood lost roof  tiles.  Winds 
must have been pretty bad to do THAT.
Cats were glad to see me, finally coming out from under the bed when they  
heard me call them!

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